Original paper titled "High Resolution Observations of Chromospheric Jets in Sunspot Umbra" by V. Yurchyshyn, V. Abramenko, A. Kosovichev, and P. Goode was published in May 20 2014 issue of Astrophysical Journal.
( ADS/ArXiv |
Nov 27, 2012: Mini-Granulation on the Sun was observed with the New Solar Telescope at Big Bear
New observations of the solar granulation with the New Solar Telescope (NST) at the Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) allowed a NJIT-Stanford research team to make the next step in understanding of the solar surface structure. A new complex world of very small granules became visible between normal solar granules. Mini-granules, as small as Maine, form a multi-fractal structure, similar to other systems in nature, such as coast lines, glaciers, earthquakes, stock market, etc. A key property of such systems is their unpredictable, burst-like behavior and jagged, irregular shape. Usually, occurrence of numerous independent random processes lead to the formation of a such system. Studying of such systems is beneficial for understanding both the universe and the social life.
The image shows solar granulation acquired with the NST on August 3, 2010 with overplotted contours of detected mini-granules (structures of equivalent diameter less than 600 km). The image size is 20500x19000 km. A map of USA is overplotted for comparison.
Until now it was thought that solar convection produces convection cells, visible on the solar surface as granules, of characteristic (dominant) spatial scale of about 1000km and a Gaussian (normal) distribution of granule sizes. In this case, the mechanism that produces granules is "programmed" to churn up convection cells of a typical size, without much freedom in size variation. Mini-granules do not display any characteristic ("dominant") scale, their size distribution is continuous and can be described by a decreasing power law (Gaussian distribution does not work any longer here) across all scales ranging from 140 to 2000 km. A majority (about 80%) of mini-granules are smaller than 600 km and about 50% are smaller than 300 km in diameter. This non-Gaussian distribution of sizes implies that a much more sophisticated mechanism, with much more degrees of freedom may be at work, where any very small fluctuation in density, pressure, velocity and magnetic fields may have significant impact and
affect the resulting dynamics.
Scientist for long time saw difference in properties of small and large granules. However, low contrast and spatial resolution did not allow scientists to explore the entire range of structures. The NST provides images with contrast twice that of the previous data. It also enables us to see features on the solar surface as small as 80~km. These capabilities allowed us for the first time to accurately detect and measure very small convection cells. Their existence and properties were a subject of debate for long time, and now the NST solves the puzzle of the small (mini) granules.
Original paper titled "Detection of small-scale granular structures in the quiet sun with the New Solar Telescope" by V. I. Abramenko, V.B. Yurchyshyn, P.R. Goode (Big Bear Solar Observatory, NJIT) and I.N. Kitiashvili, A.G. Kosovichev (Stanford University) will be published by Astrophysical Journal Letters at the end of August, 2012
These results were published in
Sept 2012 issue of Astrophysical Journal Letters
(ADS |
Oct 1, 2011: NST data reveal the regime of strong super-diffusivity on scales
below 600 km |
NST data show that solar magnetic fields may disperse over the solar surface
in the super-diffusion regime. Super-diffusivity was revealed on small scales (below 600 km)
and it opens new possibilities for local turbulent dynamo models. Properties and mechanisms
of flux dispersal over the solar surface are important constraints and clues for solar dynamo
theories. A spectrum of magnetic diffusivity defined on a broad range of temporal and spatial
scales is needed to calibrate diffusivity profiles in models of global solar dynamo. The new finding
indicates that the existing paradigm of normal (or sub) magnetic diffusivity needs
to be re-considered.
We studied proper motion of bright points (BPs) visible in the quiet sun (QS), in a coronal hole (CH),
and in an active region plage (ARP, figure above from left to right). By tracking the BPs we were able to
measure their displacements as a function of time. (Examples of BP's tracks are shown in the figure below, left, where
the blue dots mark the start point). We then calculated the average (over all BPs) displacement for each
time interval to obtain the average squared displacement as a function of time (the displacement spectrum,
see the blue spectrum in the figure below, right).
Using Kolmogorov turbulence theory, we were able to relate the coefficient of turbulent diffusion to
the displacement spectrum and its index gamma.
We thus found that the coefficient of turbulent diffusion changes in direct proportion
to both temporal and spatial scales, which is the textbook definition of super-diffusivity.
The coefficient of turbulent diffusion plotted as a function of temporal and spatial scales
is shown below (NST data is represented with solid green, blue and red lines).
For comparison, data from previous studies are also shown.
We also applied the same analysis to the 3D MHD model data of solar convection (Stein et
al. 2007) and found the super-diffusion with gamma=1.45.
These results were published in
Dec 2011 issue of Astrophysical Journal
(ADS |
Aug 12, 2011: Smallest Ever Jets are seen to Occur in the Lanes between Granules |
The BBSO's New Solar Telescope enabled us to resolve previously unknown, even
finer chromospheric features in blue shifted off-band H-alpha images. These
absorption features, arising from the dark intergranular lanes, are short-lived,
and show jet-like upflows. Their origin seems neither to be unequivocally tied
to concentrations of photospheric bright points nor predominantly associated
with the vertex formed by three (or more) granules. A visual inspection of NST
data revealed that they frequently originate from an intergranular lane separating two
granules. This is also the location where magnetic fields occur.
A small coronal hole (CH) located at N03E12 was observed using the NST with
adaptive optics on August 31, 2010 from 17:40 to 18:16 UT. We used this data
set to search for sources of small-scale intergranular jet-like events. We thus
found that intergranular events are very often associated with rapidly evolving
granules, more precisely, with instances in which granule fragments are pushed
into the intergranular lane. A more detailed analysis of granular evolution led
us to conclude that intergranular events are most often associated with what was
identified by Steiner et al. (2010) as a vortex tube. At the same time, not every
vortex tube event was accompanied by a chromospheric jet.
The Figure on the left shows a sequence of TiO images showing the development of a
bright granular lane (BGL, arrow in 54:01 frame). The arrow in the first panel
indicates a BGL, which slowly shifts toward the center of the granule as the
lane evolves. The arrow in the 54:42 frame indicates a bright grain that usually
accompanies the development of the BGL. The time stamp in each frame shows the
minute and second of image acquisition, starting from 17:00:00~UT. Short tick
marks separate 0.25~Mm spatial intervals.
At the peak of the BGL development, one or two jet-like darkenings,
co-spatial with the BGL, may appear in the blue-shifted H-alpha images. These
absorption features seem to originate in the intergranular lane adjacent to the
bright grain.
Figure on the right shows a bright granular lane (BGL) associated with
chromospheric activity. This is a sequence of composite images made by combining
TiO granulation data and dark Ha-0.1~nm absorption features. The arrow in the
45:49 frame points toward the BGL. The onset of chromospheric jet-like activity
begins shortly after a bright grain develops (frames 46:09-46:59). The arrow in
the 48:17 frame indicates an inverted "Y" jet occurring at approximately the
same position as the BGL. The time stamp in each frame shows the minute and
second of image acquisition starting from 17:00:00~UT. Short tick marks separate
0.25 Mm spatial intervals.
Sequence of composite images showing the development of an elongated
bright granular lane (BGL). The downward pointing arrows in the 59:02 and 00:24
frames indicate the BGL, while the upward pointing arrow marks the elongated
bright grain. Two small and short-lived absorption features appear on either
side of the grain between 18:03:39 and 18:04:40~UT. The time stamp in each frame
shows the minute and second of image acquisition starting from 17:00:00~UT.
Short tick marks separate 0.25 Mm spatial intervals, and the contour shapes in
frames 03:18 - 03:39 show bright Ha-0.1nm patches.
According to the simulation data, the dark space between the bright grain and
the BGL coincides with the axis of the vortex tube. The interpretation is that
due to low pressure and temperature, the opacity above the vortex tube is
reduced thus allowing us to peer deeper into its relatively cooler interior.
As it follows from simulations, the associated magnetic field, is
generally wrapped up in such a way, that the field is mainly aligned with the
flow, i.e., it is rather perpendicular to the vortex tube axis.
The high-speed flow above the vortex tube reaches up to the top of the
photosphere with velocities up to 8~km/s and sweeps the magnetic field
in the horizontal direction to the intergranular lane.
It may be that this field collides
with the nearby intergranular field of possibly opposing polarity, which has the
potential to cause some chromospheric activity.
These results have been presented in August 2011 issue of ApJ Lett. 736/2,
article id. L35 (2011),
( DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/736/2/L35),
(Bibliographic Code: 2011ApJ...736L..35Y)
Dec 22, 2010: New NST data push the minimal size of the magnetic flux tubes down to 80km |
Bright points (BPs) observed in the solar photosphere are co-spatial and
co-temporal with magnetic elements and they are very reliable tracers
of transverse motions of photospheric magnetic flux elements. The mechanism for
the formation of BPs is thought to be a convective collapse of a magnetic flux
tube implying strong downflows and evacuation of the flux tube allowing us to
look deeper and see hotter plasma. Analysis of statistical distributions of BPs
can shed a light on the fundamental properties of smallest magnetic elements.
New high resolution data from
NST established that these BPs could be much smaller then previously thought: the distribution function of their size extents
down to the diffraction limit of NST, i.e., photospheric bright points can be
even smaller than 80 km. The image on the left is an example of NST data and it shows solar granules with
chains of small bright points between them. BPs usually cluster together at special locations on the solar surface where horizontal flows converge and sink, very much reminding the flow pattern at a street water drain.
Studies of BPs size and lifetime distributions are rather scanty. Earlier studies
based on data from the Hinode space observatory reported a nearly Gaussian
distribution of BP's size, with the peak located near 157 km.
Observations of solar granulation were performed with the NST's 1.6 meter
clear aperture using a broadband TiO filter centered at a wavelength of
705.7 nm. The observations were made with tip-tilt and adaptive optics
corrections and the data were
speckle reconstructed.
To detect and track BPs, scientist created a tool that allowed them to automatically detect and track BPs in the NST images.
Two panels on the right show the same NST TiO image used to detect BPs with the image on the right overplotted with boundaries of detected BPs. This tool allowed scientists to measure size, lifetime, speed and the trajectory of each of BPs.
The six panel figure shows the probability distribution functions (PDFs) for
the diameter, D, lifetime, LT, and maximum intensity, Imax, of BPs.
In the left panels, results for two runs are shown: the black lines correspond
to the detection threshold of 85DN and the red lines to threshold of 120DN
(DN - Data Numbers). The right panels show PDFs only from the threshold of 85 DN.
The difference between the two runs is small: for higher threshold the relative number of large-size
events slightly decreases, and the relative number of brighter events slightly increases. The
lifetime distribution does not appear to be affected by the threshold at all.
The PDF of diameters displays a nearly linear behavior in the linear-logarithmic plot
(upper left). The monotonous increase is present down to the diffraction limit of NST.
The saturation and the turnover of the observed PDF at scales smaller than 77km (to the left
from the dashed vertical line) might be caused either by the fact than the NST does not
purely resolve elements smaller than 77 km, or that elements much smaller than 77 km do
not exist. For comparison, in the same panel we show the BP size distribution as derived
from Hinode/SOT G-band images by Utz et al. (2009). In spite of a drastic difference in the
shape of the PDFs derived from the two instruments, physically, they are consistent. The
Hinode PDFs also saturate at scales corresponding to the diffraction limit of the Hinode/SOT telescope,
which is 157 km for SOT observations in the G-band.
We thus conclude that the real minimal size of magnetic BPs (or magnetic flux tubes)
has not yet been detected in observations with modern high resolution
telescopes. As to the maximum size of BPs, the upper boundary for it seems to exist: as
soon as BPs defined as those located inside intergranular lanes, the diameter of BPs cannot
be larger than characteristic width of the intergranular lanes, which varies in a range of
150-400 km.
We also find that BP size distribution function has a log-normal shape.
Unlike the power law, the log-normal distribution is not scale-free,
therefore, there is a limit on a minimal size of an elementary flux tube, which may
not have been achieved yet.
The log-normal nature of the size distribution implies that the fragmentation and merging
processes are important mechanisms contributing into evolution and dynamics of BPs.
Frequent fragmentation and coalescence are clearly visible in the data set movie4.
About 98.6% of all BPs live less than 120 s (12 time steps). This remarkable fact was
not obvious from previous studies because an extremely high time cadence was required.
The most important point here is that these small and short living BPs significantly
increase dynamics (flux emergence, collapse into BPs, and magnetic flux recycling)
of unipolar network areas. The magnetic field is thus fragmented into flux
concentrations with well defined interfaces between them known as current sheets. Random
motions of BPs, as well as often appearance/disappearance of new flux concentrations, will
change the spatial distribution of the current sheets thus leading to release of energy.
These results have been presented in December 2010 issue of ApJ Lett., 725, L101-L105