pro SunDisk_limb, image, xcenter, ycenter, rsun, delxc, delyc,$ cutlevel=cutlevel, display=display, nolog=nolog ;+ ; ; NAME : ; SunDisk_limb ; CALLING SEQUENCE : SunDisk, image, xcenter, ycenter, rsun, dxc, dyc,$ ; cutlevel=cutlevel, display=display, nolog=nolog ; PURPOSE : ; Find the center and radius of the Sun using limb gradients ; ARGUMENT : ; IMAGE : the image containing the solar limb (INPUT) ; XCENTER , YCENTER : x, y-coordinates of the sun disk (OUTPUT) ; origin = the lower left corner of the image. ; unit = pixel size ; x-direction : from the left to right ; y-direction : from the lower to the upper ; RSUN : the radius of the sun disk (OUTPUT) ; DXC , DYC: the standard deviation of XCENTER ; and YCENTER (OPTIONAL OUTPUT) ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS : ; CUTLEVEL : The level of cut used to define the limb points ; mag(gradient) > max(mag(gradient))*CUTLEVEL (Default=0.8) ; DISPLAY : If set, display the process or the result. ; NOLOG if set, gradients of input data are calculated. ; By default, logarithmic gradients of data are calculated. ; REQUIRED ROUTINES : ; NONE ; ;- s=size(image) x=findgen(s(1))#replicate(1., s(2)) y=replicate(1., s(1))#findgen(s(2)) kernelx = 0.5*[[0,0, 0],[-1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]] kernely = 0.5*[[0,-1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 1,0]] if keyword_set(nolog) then tmp=image else tmp=alog(image>max(image)*0.1) gx = convol(tmp, kernelx) gy = convol(tmp, kernely) g=sqrt(gx^2+gy^2)*(x ge 3 and x le s(1)-3) *( y ge 3 and y le s(2)-3) if not keyword_set(cutlevel) then cutlevel=0.8 limb = where(g ge cutlevel*max(g), count) if keyword_set(display) then begin tvscl, tmp if count ge 1 then plots, x(limb), y(limb), psym=1, /dev, syms=1.0 endif if count le 10 then begin print, '# of limb points is too small!' return endif qx = -gx(limb)/g(limb) qy = -gy(limb)/g(limb) xdata = [transpose(qx), transpose(qy)] ydata = x(limb)*qx + y(limb)*qy result = regress(xdata, ydata,1.+ydata*0., yfit,rsun, sigma,/relative_weight) xcenter=result(0) ycenter=result(1) delxc = sigma(0) delyc = sigma(1) if keyword_set(display) then begin angle=2*!pi*findgen(201)/200. x=rsun*sin(angle)+xcenter y=rsun*cos(angle)+ycenter plots, x, y, color=0, /dev endif return end