# FISS Observation Parameter Settings
# "#" is the comment operator. If a parameter is commented out, then it set to be the default value.
# Initially a sample observation parameter setting file is automatically copied in the today data directory.
# This control version support the observation loop. You can generate the number of loop. For example, Take 100 frame Image 100 times and then take 300 frame Image 50 times.
# You must be the define the number of loop at first.
# You can identify the each loop by the "begin" and "endbegin" parameter
# You can change one single parameter or whole of the parameter in each loop
# Note: You have to double check the "begin" and "endbegin" is correctly inserted.

# Set the number of loops
nRun  = 1    # Default is 1 (Note: It must be higher than 1)

# ----------------------------
# first loop begin

# Set Camera for observation (0: CCD A, 1: CCD B, 2: Both)
CameraMode = 2   # Default is 2

# Set the Shutter Mode (0: Fully Auto, 1: Permanently Open, 2: Permanently Close)
# Default is 1.
ShutterMode  =  1

# Set the Acqusition Mode (0: Video(Focus), 1: Single (Step), 6: Frame Transfer, 8: Single (continuous), 10: TakeFlat)
# If you want to take without moving the scanner (i.e. single slit mode), you set AcqMode = 1 and nScan = 1.
AcqMode = 1     # Default is 1

# Set the Scanning Mode (0: Spectrograph, 1: Imaging)
ScanMode = 0    # Default is 0

# Set the ReadMode (1: Full Vertical Binning, 4: Imaging)
# Only 4 is available now.
ReadMode = 4    # Default is 4

# Set the Trigger (0: Internal Trigger, 1: External Trigger)
# Only 0 is available
Trigger = 0   #Default is 0

# Set available wavelength index.
# If wvIndex is set, then grating wavelength (gWv), grating angle (gAngle) and grating step (gStep) is automatically set for a given value in Wv.tab file.
# We suggest that you do not change this parameter here if you are not the expert for this, but select the available parameters in the table of main Window.
# If you want to manually set the grating angle, set the wvIndex to the 0, then set the gWv (target wavelength in camera A), gOrder (spectral order), gStep (step of motor equal to gAngle), gAngle (incident angle of the light).
wvIndex = 1

# Do not change or uncomment these parameters if you are not expert for these.
# gWv = 6562.800         # Target wavelength in camera A
# gOrder = 34            # Spectral order
# gStep = -7900          # Incident angle of the light
# gAngle = 62.279        # Step of motor equal to gAngle in degree

# Type the Observer
Observer = None   #Please do not include space in observer name

# Type the observation Target (Default is None)
# Note!) This target name becomes the data directory (ex. If Target = myTarget, raw images must be saved in C:\Data\YYYY\MM\DD\raw\myTarget)
# We highly recommand you that distinguish each target by this parameter (ex. AR1   /  AR2  / ...)
Target = None   #Please do not include space in Target name

# Type the Telescope X and Y Position
# It must be integer
TelXpos = 0
TelYpos = 0

# Set the Frame number (number of steps of scan, i.e. xpixel of raster image).
# It must be higher than 0.
# If 1 the scanner is fixed at current position.
# If Acqusition mode (AcqMode) is Video (0), it automatically set to be 1
nSteps  =  250     # Defualt is 100

# Number of scanning(taking images)
# Default is 1000
nScan = 1

# Set the Scanner Step size
stepSize = 32.00     # Default is 32.00 (in um unit)

# Set the both camera binning (HBin: horizontal axis binning, VBin: vertical axis binning. Default is 1x2 binning)
HBin  =  1    # Both camera HBin, Default is 1
VBin  =  2    # Both camera VBin, Default is 2

# Set both PGain of camera (available: 0-2)
CCD1_PGain = 2   # Default is 2
CCD2_PGain = 2   # Default is 2

# Set the Gain of camera (available: 0-255)
CCD1_Gain = 0   # Default is 0
CCD2_Gain = 0   # Default is 0

# Set the exposure time respectively (sec)
CCD1_exptime = 0.03   # Default is 0.03
CCD2_exptime = 0.03   # Default is 0.03

# first loop end