This is an Automated Message Dear serranoview, Your data for 20240729 Time Interval 1600-2300 are now available at: --------------------------------- IMPORTANT ----------------------------------- The VIS and NIRIS data are packed into tar files. 100 VIS files and 30 NIRIS files each. Make sure you download them all ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The data will be available for 1 week and will be later removed from the FTP server. Data Policy The use of BBSO Ha images for public education efforts and non-commercial purposes is strongly encouraged and requires no expressed authorization. If you use the data or some product based on the data we ask that you include an acknowledgment of the Big Bear Solar Observatory, New Jersey Institute of Technology. Since we are interested in the work that other people do with our data, we also would like to request a sample copy, reference, URL, etc., depending on the type of publication. Thank you, Vasyl Yurchyshyn and BBSO Staff